Pond side we carry out comprehensive water testing, more than thirteen tests including pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Alkalinity, Hardness and many more.
Parasite Identification
Extensive Water Parameter Analysis
Extensive Water Parameter Analysis
Identification through Microscopical examination of mucus samples for signs of parasitic activity.
Lesions, Ulcers, Fin Rot....
Extensive Water Parameter Analysis
Bacterial & Viral Investigation
These can be caused by ongoing issues due to parasitic activity, poor water quality or a general knock. Its important to treat early before the issue escalates.
Bacterial & Viral Investigation
Bacterial & Viral Investigation
Bacterial & Viral Investigation
Should there be a potential bacterial issue, we take swabs for analysis working with a fish laboratory to diturmine the best course of treatments.
Bacterial & Viral Investigation
Treatment plans
Are your fish flashing, Jumping, Isolating themselves from the group, clamped fins sitting on the bottom of the pond, acting in lethergic manner, these are potential signs of sickness.
Treatment plans
Bacterial & Viral Investigation
Treatment plans
Based on the outcome of our visit, we can advise a comprehensive treatment plan and ongoing resolutions for water parameter issues.